Flourishing within Planetary Boundaries
Flourishing within Planetary Boundaries
Embracing limits on a finite planet
This episode is really about setting the scene on what flourishing within planetary boundaries is all about.
This is the show where we embrace the real physical limits that exist on this planet, and learn how to work with them, to create thriving and flourishing people, communities, and ecosystems.
All to often when it comes to planetary health, we talk in symptoms for example climate change is a symptom as is biodiversity loss and deforestation. For me they are symptoms that our key human systems and aspirations are not designed for a living finite planet.
The common mindset in today’s day and age is that we humans can overcome any limits. Many people have this complete faith that there is a magic technology or technological solutions that will solve all our problems. For me this is the same as a superhero flying in and rescuing us from our problems, but this is not going to happen. In fact, these beliefs disempower us from getting stuck in and creating the world we want ourselves.
Although I believe that we have only scratched the surface of our human potential in so many ways, the fact is that we are bounded by physical limits and universal laws.
Today, I am going to dive into the calculation and physical limit that really transformed my own thinking and life and that is the space that we have.
When you get right down to it there is only one Earth and although it is really obvious in some ways, it is also something we forget. We can’t make the Earth any bigger and we can’t just hop off to another planet to get some more room.
And when you really stop to think about it, this is biggest limit we have, the size of the Earth. We might talk about economic growth. We might talk about energy. This is the absolute limit. This is the space we have. As the human population has, has grown, this means there's less for each one of us. And when I first started thinking about this and did the math, it completely shifted how I operate, how I think about things, how I think about what a good life is, what it really means to me.